Exatouch easily generates RJ Reynolds reports, automatically formatting the product and sales information and transmitting to Scan Data via FTP.
Exatouch easily generates RJ Reynolds reports, automatically formatting the product and sales information and transmitting to Scan Data via FTP.
Exatouch easily generates the Scan Data reports required by Altria, automatically formatting the information according to Scan Data’s specifications. The information can be uploaded via FTP.
Exatouch easily generates the reports Scan Data requires for both Altria and RJ Reynolds products, andautomatically formats the information according to specifications. The information can be uploaded to Scan Data via FTP.
We’ve extended our Scan Data integration to allow merchants to track sales, loyalty benefits, and rebate programs for both RJ Reynolds and Altria products as needed. Speak with your local products representatives to set up appropriate manufacturer…
Before you open a saved order, preview it to confirm that it is the one intended.
Orders will vary based on menu options you’ve set up in Exatouch. The following steps will help you place an order from your register. Details of your order may vary, but the steps to placing an order will…
When customer payout restrictions are ON, customer payouts require an Admin or Power User’s PIN to process. Customer payout restrictions are ON by default.  When customer payout restrictions are OFF, no PIN is required and all staff can…
Restaurants can choose which order type is selected by default at the register. For example, if a pizzeria accepts mostly delivery orders, “Delivery” can be defined as the default order type at the register. Default order type…
Quick Payout buttons are the fastest way for retailers to process customer payouts! Specific types of payouts such as “Lotto” and “Money Orders” can be added directly to the Register through the use of custom buttons.
Customer orders are merged from the Get Order screen:
Menu items can be easily removed from a customer’s order.
When a customer meals are completed, checks are printed from the register.
Select Quick Pick items to quickly build your customer’s order.