For quicker access, create a specialized discount or promo by adding a discount custom button directly to the register!
- Note: Discounts, promos, or service charges which have been created in the Promos module can be added to the register via custom buttons. See: Create a Discount
- Example: A convenience store offers military discounts to their customers. To more quickly serve their veterans, Armed Forces is added as a custom button to the register.
Follow these steps to place an Armed Forces button on the Order Details tab at the Register:
- From Home, navigate to Settings > Register Preferences.
- Tap Custom Buttons.
- From the Custom Buttons screen, tap the Details tab. For more information about button locations, see: Understanding Custom Buttons.
- Select an available button from the custom buttons grid. Available buttons have no label. If no buttons are available, a button can be made available by clearing it. To remove a function, item, service or promo from a button, see: Custom Buttons: Remove a Function from the Register.
- From the Discounts/Other list, select Armed Forces. Scroll or use the Search field to find a discount, promo or service charge.
- The Armed Forces button displays in the assigned location within the custom buttons grid.
- Tap Save.
- Tip! Check your work! Navigate to the Register, select or create an order, and tap the Order Details tab to view the Armed Forces custom button.
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