Service Categories Report

Service Categories reports allow merchants to review category and subcategory assignments within Exatouch. This allows service-based merchants to view at a glance all subcategories associated with their assigned categories.

Customer Facing Display (CFD) Settings

Customer Facing Display (CFD) settings provide a customer checkout experience that is simple and engaging.

SMS Receipts from the Register

Merchants can configure Printer Settings to send SMS receipts to customers from the Register app. By text messaging receipts, merchants save money by reducing paper costs. Customers also don’t have to worry about losing paper receipts.

Business Overview Reports

The Business Overview report provides a comprehensive snapshot of transactions from within a designated time period. These reports are of great importance for merchants as they include critical sales data impacting sales, orders, revenue, taxes, and much…

SMS Receipts from the Customer Facing Display

If touch is enabled on the Customer Facing Display (CFD), then the CFD allows merchants to select whether to receive receipts via text message by tapping SMS. NOTE: Contact EPI to have a member of our staff enable…

PLU Codes

Price look-up (PLU) codes are used to identify produce and other related items in a quick, efficient way during checkout. PLU codes are 4 or 5-digit numbers that appear on a small sticker applied to the individual…

Sticky Label Printers

Whether you’re labeling multiple items to ensure a customer receives their complete order, or marking a container with complete order specifications, sticky labels are essential to order management. The printer, which can be purchased from Exatouch ,…

Gift Certificates

Gift certificates are a free, built-in payment option that provide customer with store credit, either through refunds or purchases. While gift cards are more widely applicable, certificates: Are all on paper. Don’t require signing up for anything….

Open Item Firing to Remote Printers

Create an Open Kitchen Item to allow an item to fire to a specific kitchen printer, with the added flexibility of attaching a modifier and unique pricing.

Release Notes – 2025

This article includes Release Notes from the 2025 calendar year. The Table of Contents shows the topics in alphabetical order, followed by the hyperlinked Release Notes version/date in parentheses. To read more about any topic, click on…