DeliverMe Online Ordering

5 Articles

DeliverMe Dashboard Settings

This section contains information and procedures about system administrator level functions of the DeliverMe online ordering site. While many of these procedures are performed by your Electronic Payments Support team, merchants can also configure settings to meet…

Integrating DeliverMe and Exatouch

DeliverMe’s online ordering website gives customers more ways to submit orders for pickup and delivery. The Exatouch POS integrates seamlessly with the DeliverMe online ordering platform, which offers more ways for customers to submit orders for pickup…

Set Up Expanded Pickup, Delivery, and DeliverMe Online Ordering Options

Expanded pickup and delivery options give your customers more ways to submit orders for pickup and delivery. When you integrate with DeliverMe online ordering, customers can conveniently submit orders for immediate or future pickup and delivery.

Define Your Pickup and Delivery Workflow

When you expand your offerings to include pickup and delivery orders, defining your pickup and delivery settings is one part of setting up your pickup and delivery workflow. If you add online ordering through DeliverMe, many of…