Use the pickup and delivery work area to set up times, zones, fees, and other settings that generally define when your business starts accepting pickup and delivery orders.
- Note: If using DeliverMe online ordering, many of these settings apply to orders placed through your site.
- From Home, navigate to Settings > Register Preferences > Delivery tab.
- Adjust any settings, define times, fees, and any other fields, as needed.
- Tap Save to save your changes.
- Note: Any changes you make to times, fees, or zones are applied to Exatouch within a minute or two. These changes are pushed up to your DeliverMe online ordering site as well. Changes do not affect orders currently in queue for preparation.
Merchants can enter 3rd Party or In-House delivery services into the Delivery Service Grid. The grid lists active third-party delivery services you have configured.
- Note: These settings don’t apply to orders accepted through your DeliverMe online ordering site.

Delivery Service Grid Settings
- Show Only Deleted – Tap to view inactive delivery services, and reactivate each as needed.
- Description – The name of the 3rd-party delivery service.
- Account # – Your account number with this service.
- Delivery Fee – Enter a percentage amount or delivery fee service. If Percent? is enabled, this is the percentage fee to calculate. If Dollar? is enabled, this is the flat fee to calculate.
- Percent? – Tap to enable or disable. When enabled, calculates using Delivery Fee.
- Dollar? – Tap to enable or disable. When enabled, calculates using Delivery Fee.
- Note: Only Percent? or Dollar? can be enabled. If you enable one, the other is disabled.
- Driver Collects? – Tap to enable or disable direct collection of a delivery fee by an in-house delivery driver.
- When enabled, the driver collects the fee.
- When disabled, your business collects the fee as part of the payment process.
- Active? – Tap to enable or disable a driver or service.
- When enabled, this driver or service can be assigned delivery orders.
- When disabled, this driver or service can’t be assigned delivery orders.
- New – Tap to add a new delivery service.
Most Exatouch settings for DeliverMe are configured in the Delivery Preferences section under the Delivery tab. From here, merchants can set fees, driver details, and other delivery information. Merchants can set flat fees or fees based on delivery zones.
Setting Flat Fees
Merchants can quickly and easily set fees using Charge a Flat Fee? feature. Flat fees do not take delivery zones into account. Perform the following to set a flat fee:
- Enter a dollar amount in the Charge a Flat Fee? field. The Delivery Zone table becomes disabled.
- Tap Save.
- Note: To disable flat fees, click on the slider. The Charge a Flat Fee? setting reverts to “0.00” and the Delivery Zone table becomes enabled.
Setting Fees by Zone
Merchants can also create zones, which provides greater flexibility in setting delivery fee options. Delivery zones calculate the distance between the business and the customer’s delivery address. This is particularly useful for merchants wishing to set delivery ranges.
- Note: Before setting delivery zones, the merchant’s Business Details and Customer Details for the customer must first be configured in Exatouch.
- Select a row in the delivery zone table and configure the following:
- Zone: Enter the zone number.
- Start: Enter the zone’s starting distance in relation to the business address. Enter “0” when starting from the business.
- End: Enter the zone’s ending distance.
- Percent?: Toggle the slider to set the delivery zone as a percentage of the order total.
- Dollar: Toggle the slider to set the delivery zone fee as a dollar amount.
- Configure additional rows, as desired.
- Tap Save.
- Tip! Up to three delivery zones can be configured. However, merchants can override preset delivery zone distances, if desired. When a customer’s address falls outside the delivery zone, Exatouch displays a prompt asking the employee whether or not to proceed. Tap Yes to proceed with the order or tap No to not accept the order.
Other Delivery Preferences
Set additional Delivery Preferences by configuring the following fields:
- Convenience Fee: Enter a dollar amount to add to delivery or pickup orders, if desired. Enter a zero dollar amount (0.00) if you don’t want to apply a Convenience Fee.
- Note: This fee only applies to DeliverMe. It does not apply to standard Exatouch orders.
- Min. Order: Enter the minimum amount a customer must spend for DeliverMe to process the order.
- With Tax: Toggle the slider to modify the Min. Order value to include taxes.
- With Fees: Toggle the slider to modify the Min. Order value to include fees.
- Show Mileage On All Orders: Toggle the slider to display on the receipt the number of miles the delivery person drove on a specific order.
- Driver Delivery Receipt?: The Email and Or Email & Print slider settings display as inactive by default. When both display as disabled, only print tickets generate for the delivery person.
- Email:display as disabled, only print tickets generate for the delivery person. Enable the slider to generate only an email ticket for the delivery person.
- Or Email & Print: Enable the slider to generate an email and print ticket for the delivery person.
- Delivery Fee % Paid To Driver: Enter the percentage of the delivery fee to pay the delivery person. For example, enter “50.00” to deposit one-half of all delivery fees into the delivery person’s bank account.
- Complete Order on Ready status: Enable to designate orders as complete after tapping the Ready button in Delivery Manager.
- Send SMS: Enable to send text message order updates to customers.
Sync Settings and Sync Items – Push settings and items in bulk from Exatouch to your online ordering site.
- Caution: Do not use Sync Settings and Sync Items unless specifically directed to do so by your Support Specialist as part of a troubleshooting process.
Exatouch uses a combination of the hours you set for delivery and Delivery Build Time to determine the time slots available for accepting delivery orders. Setting hours to allow enough time for order preparation is strongly recommended.
- Example: You set a Delivery Build Time of 25 minutes. You have staff on site to prep orders as early as 10:00 a.m. If you don’t deliver orders until after 2:00 p.m., set an Open time for delivery orders to 2:00 p.m. Orders that must be ready for delivery by 2:00 p.m. will fire at 1:35 p.m.
Use these fields to set start and stop times for accepting delivery orders using Exatouch.
- Hours shown with a white background are saved Open or Close hours.
- Hours shown with a grey background are unsaved Open or Close hours. Tap Save to save your changes.
- Feature Note: If used, these settings apply to orders placed through your DeliverMe online ordering site.
Orders can be taken directly by staff using the Register app, or placed online by customers using your DeliverMe online ordering site.
Exatouch Register app:
- Orders can be taken for ASAP delivery.
- A completed order fires to remote printers for immediate service.
DeliverMe online ordering site:
- Customers can set up their order for an ASAP delivery time, or in advance for a future date during available delivery hours.
- An ASAP delivery order fires to remote printers for immediate service. A future delivery order fires to remote printers at build time.
Orders can be taken directly by staff using the Register app (staff must override a “delivery is closed” prompt), or placed online by customers using your DeliverMe online ordering site for a future available delivery time and date.
Exatouch Register app:
- Staff members must override a “delivery is closed” reminder prompt to take an order.
- If they override the prompt, they can take an order for ASAP delivery.
- A completed order fires to remote printers for immediate service.
DeliverMe online ordering site:
- Customers can’t place an ASAP order, but can select a delivery time in the future, when delivery hours are scheduled to be open.
- A completed order fires to remote printers at build time to meet the order’s scheduled delivery time.
Exatouch uses a combination of the hours you set for pickup and Pickup Build Time to determine the time slots available for accepting pickup orders. We strongly recommend these hours be set to allow enough time for order preparation.
- Example: You set a Pickup Build Time of 20 minutes. You have staff on site to prep orders as early as 10:00 am. If you don’t allow pickup orders until after 2:00 pm, set an Open time for pickup orders to 2:00 pm. Orders that must be ready for pickup by 2:00 pm will fire at 1:40pm.

Use these fields to set start and stop times for accepting pickup orders using Exatouch.
- Hours shown with a white background are saved Open or Close hours.
- Hours shown with a grey background are unsaved Open or Close hours. Tap Save to save your changes.
- Feature Note: If you offer pickup, these settings apply to orders placed through your DeliverMe online ordering site.
Orders can be taken directly by staff using the Register app, or placed online by customers using your DeliverMe online ordering site.
Exatouch Register app:
- Orders can be taken for ASAP pickup.
- A completed order fires to remote printers for immediate service.
DeliverMe online ordering site:
- Customers can set up their order for an ASAP pickup time, or in advance for a future date during available pickup hours.
- An ASAP pickup order fires to remote printers for immediate service. A future pickup order fires to remote printers at build time.
Orders can be taken directly by staff using the Register app (staff must override a “pickup is closed” prompt), or placed online by customers using your DeliverMe online ordering site for a future available time and date.
Exatouch Register app:
- Staff members must override a “pickup is closed” reminder prompt to take an order.
- If they override the prompt, they can take an order for ASAP pickup.
- A completed order fires to remote printers for immediate service.
DeliverMe online ordering site:
- Customers can’t place an ASAP order, but can select a pickup time in the future, when pickup hours are scheduled to be open.
- A completed order fires to remote printers at build time to meet the order’s scheduled pickup time.
- See: 3rd Party Delivery
How can we improve this information for you?
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