Add Modifiers to an Item

Once a modifier is created and defined, the modifier (aka mod) can be added to an item.

Add Modifier to a Group

Modifiers can be either required or optional. Required modifiers are identified as such by being added to a modifier group. Adding a modifier to a group will enable it to appear with other required mods when a customer…

Log into Exatouch

Welcome to Exatouch! You will be prompted to log in when you first activate the system.

Add a New Employee

Add new hires to Exatouch so they can log in and use the system.

Process Customer Payouts

Customer Payouts are processed via the Pay tab or directly at the Register via Quick Payout buttons.

Fine-Tune User Access Using Security Profiles

Use Security Profile controls to define and create User Types that control access to sensitive areas of Exatouch. Fine-tune user types to suit your business needs: Allow some or all user types to override pricing, limit label…

Accept Split Payments

Exatouch allows you to accept multiple payments and multiple payment types for a single order or check. Using the Pay work area in the Register app, you can easily split a check or order. Use the Split…

Split Orders or Checks by Item

Split orders or checks Using Exatouch Point of Sale. Retail, restaurant, and salon clientele can pay for specific items with different tender types, and restaurants can split checks by seat or other configuration. Simply move items to…

Add an Item

Adding items in Exatouch creates a list of items for sale, either as part of a retail inventory or restaurant/QSR/delivery menus.

Payroll Report

Use the Payroll report to generate time and pay amount information to share with your payroll department in a quick and easy format.