Add a New Employee

Add new hires to Exatouch so they can log in and use the system.

Manage Bar Tabs with Tab Auth

The Tab Auth feature enables bars to provide exceptional customer service with the security of knowing that payments will be covered. Pre-authorize credit cards when a customer’s tab is opened, then ring up the tab easily and…

Benefits of Pre-Authorization

Pre-authorization helps you offer timely bar service, seamless transactions, reduce fraud risk, and improve customer satisfaction.  Exatouch’s Tab Auth feature enables you to pre-authorize a bar tab and manage it effectively.

Check Loyalty Balance

Loyalty rewards balance can be viewed at the register and/or on a customer’s profile.

Delivery Manager: 3rd Party Delivery

Restaurants with limited in-house drivers or looking to utilize 3rd party delivery services will love using Exatouch’s Delivery Manager! The Delivery Manager is a simple, convenient way to manage orders delivered by GrubHub, UberEats, and other delivery services….

Earn Loyalty Points

Customers earn loyalty points by purchasing eligible items or services at the register.

Redeem Loyalty Points

Customers redeem loyalty points for rewards at the register in the form of a dollar discount off their purchase amount.

Loyalty Summary Report

Track loyalty points for all customers participating in the Customer Loyalty Program. View points earned, redeemed, expired and available in one convenient location! This report is available for merchants with an active Loyalty program.

Taxes Report

Get sales tax information! This financial report summarizes sales tax dollars collected, refunded taxes, total taxes, and taxes with an applied exemption.