Items Reports

The Items report allows merchants to review items sold by the business. Merchants can review inventory levels, prices, and other data for every item they sell. This helps merchants determine at a glance the exact quantity of…

Inventory Audit Reports

Inventory Audit reports track inventory levels and profit margins earned from items sold. This benefits merchants by providing effective inventory management to maintain profit margins and ensure items aren’t overstocked or understocked.

Item Categories Report

Item Categories reports allow merchants to review category and subcategory assignments within Exatouch. This allows merchants to view at a glance all subcategories associated with their respective categories.

Historical Cost Reports

Historical Cost reports allow merchants to track how much they spend on the items they sell. These reports benefit merchants by making it easy to track increases/decreases in costs they incur when reordering items. Reports display past…

Historical Price Reports

Historical Price reports allow merchants to track price changes for the items they sell over time. This benefits merchants by providing historical pricing trends to help make informed decisions about making any future sale price changes. Reports…

Inventory Movement Reports

Inventory Movement reports allow merchants to view increases or decreases in inventory for a single item over a specific period of time. Reports apply to sales, refunds and purchase orders, and include any manual inventory adjustments. These…

Inventory Valuation Reports

Inventory Valuation reports track and display data about an item’s retail value and cost. This data is especially useful when tracking the value and cost of large quantities of items. Merchants can easily determine profit margins at…

Services Reports

Service reports display data about all service transaction data saved in Exatouch. This feature benefits service-related businesses, such as hair salons and spas, caterers, etc., by displaying sales data for services sold.

Service Categories Report

Service Categories reports allow merchants to review category and subcategory assignments within Exatouch. This allows service-based merchants to view at a glance all subcategories associated with their assigned categories.

Customer Facing Display (CFD) Settings

Customer Facing Display (CFD) settings provide a customer checkout experience that is simple and engaging.