Loyalty rewards balance can be viewed at the register and/or on a customer’s profile.
Customers must be attached to an order to see their loyalty balance at the register.
- From Home, navigate to Customers > Customer List.
- Select a customer from the list. Enter a name in the Search field or tap Advanced Customer Search to search for customers using other criteria, such as address or telephone number.
- View loyalty balances in the Loyalty Member section of the Customer Detail page.
Customers must be attached to an order to see their loyalty balance at the register.
- Create an order.
- Tap the Pay tab.
- Tap Check Balance.
- On the pop-up, tap Loyalty.
- Tip! Print Loyalty Balance by enabling the Print checkbox.
- Select a customer to attach to the order, then tap OK.
- A receipt displays with rewards balance information.
Loyalty balance can be viewed in the customer’s record.
- From Home, navigate to Customers > Customer List.
- If the customer’s record does not appear, tap the List tab to find the customer’s record.
- Tap the Global Menu.
- Tap Loyalty Statement.
- View the statement of loyalty points. At the bottom of the statement, view the customer’s point balance.
- Tip! Loyalty Summary Report gives you an in-depth view of loyalty points for all customers enrolled in the customer loyalty program. See:  Loyalty Summary Report
- See: Earn Loyalty Points and Redeem Loyalty Points
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