Create promos which are tailored to your business. Listed below are promo examples according to promo type. Review these for ideas on how to create promos in Exatouch that attract your customers.
Create promos which are tailored to your business. Listed below are promo examples according to promo type. Review these for ideas on how to create promos in Exatouch that attract your customers.
Promos (aka Promotions) are applied to items or to groups of items automatically when a customer pays for an order. Promos can be active at specific hours or for a duration of time. BOGOs can be created…
Apply Promos items or to groups of items automatically for customer orders. Promotional discounts display in the Register app as you ring up items. Hide these promotional discounts in the Register app by adjusting Register Preferences.
Promos can be applied to a group of items that share a Category. Run Category Level Promos during specific hours during the day, for a specific time period.
Promos can be applied to a group of items that share a Subcategory within a category. Run Subcategory Level Promos during specific hours during the day, for a specific time period.
Item Level Promos are promotions applied to a single item. Promos can be run during specific hours during the day, for a specific time period.
Mix & Match promos are specialized combination discounts you can offer your customers to introduce a new product, welcome seasonal customers back, bring in new business and more!
Create additional promos for your restaurant or business using Promo Layers. Build several layers of promos to cover specific days and times to extend specific offers for your customers.