Ring Up an Item

Ring up items by scanning them into the register, or by selecting from menu options on your Register screen. Details of your transaction may vary from these examples, but the steps to ringing up an item will be similar.

Create a Staff Work Schedule

Work schedules for staff members are set up in the Staff module and are booked in one-week increments.

Enter a New Customer

Better monitor customer purchases and preferences by keeping accurate customer records.

Add an Item – Prior Releases

Within Exatouch, an item is an offering that a merchant provides to their customer. Your business’s list of items makes up your inventory and populates your menu.

Apply an Item Discount – Prior Releases

Item discounts are applied to a single item or to multiple items at the Register. For example, a local Italian eatery offers 10% off select seafood entrees. Apply an item discount at the Register or while reviewing…

Apply an Open Discount – Prior Releases

Open Discounts are created “on the fly” and applied to an entire order. For example, a manager may apply a $10 complimentary discount because an order was received late.  

Close a Bank

Once a bank is swapped out, the cash drawer can be reconciled by counting the remaining cash and reviewing the shift’s financial activities. Bank Manager walks you through the reconciliation process so that you can close your…

Create a Bank

Creating a bank is the same as setting aside a cash drawer. When a bank is created, a specific amount of money is designated before the shift starts. During a shift, monies fluctuate. At the end of a shift, Bank…